Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Family’s Distinctive Lifestyle

Being a member of a large family is said to be challenging. In same ways, I agree. However, in my family we learn to embrace as well as to adore one another. Hard work, honesty, and respect reflect the values of my family.
Hard work is often displayed when my father awakes every morning to prepare for work. Work is a very important issue in a family. People need work in order to pay bills that will avoid late fees and/or disconnection. Work not only applies to bills, but it offers benefits such as healthcare and vacations. Hard work is a value that should not be taken lightly. I have learned from observing my father’s hard work that even the hardest tasks in life can be completed.
Honesty plays another important role in our family. For as long as I can remember my mom has been the most honest and loyal person I have ever met. She’s honest to herself, her community, and her religion. My mom would never cheat anyone out of anything; many say it is her religion that makes her so loyal. She gives good opinions, but I feel more comfortable talking to my cousins. Due to us being in the same age range I believe they better understand my situations. My cousins tell me the truth even if it requires hurting my feelings and/or leading to an argument that want last long. I can depend on them, they are my back bone.
As we all many know, honesty comes with respect. No matter what people should respect themselves as well as others. Respect is a word used often but shown little. In my family, the word respect is constantly stretched to show us as youth that respect for elders will get us very far in life. By my family trying their best to be perfect role models they do not use profanity around youth. I believe my family will succeed in their tasks to show us what life is all about.
A common belief is that the unity of a family is what holds us all together. I enjoy every moment I spend around my family. I believe I will be successful in all I do by remembering what they have taught me. These sources are examples I will carry throughout life.

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